Non Marital Cohabitation Agreement

Non-Marital Cohabitation Agreement: What You Need to Know

In this day and age, couples are now choosing to live together before getting married. This trend has become increasingly popular in recent years, with some couples opting to live together for years before tying the knot. However, what happens when the relationship ends, and there is no legal protection for either party?

This is where a non-marital cohabitation agreement comes in handy. This legal document is designed to protect the rights of both parties in a non-marital relationship. It outlines the agreement between the two individuals involved in the relationship and includes provisions that cover property division, financial support, and other important issues.

What is a Non-Marital Cohabitation Agreement?

A non-marital cohabitation agreement, also known as a cohabitation agreement, is a legal document that is designed to address potential issues that may arise between individuals who live together but are not married. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the relationship, including responsibilities, obligations, and rights, and is intended to provide both parties with legal protection.

Why Do You Need a Non-Marital Cohabitation Agreement?

A non-marital cohabitation agreement is important for several reasons. First, it can help to protect your assets in the event that the relationship ends. This includes property, investments, and other assets that you and your partner may have acquired during the relationship.

Second, it can help to establish financial support for one or both parties if the relationship ends. This can include spousal support and child support if applicable.

Third, it can provide clarity and prevent future disputes between parties regarding the ownership and responsibilities of assets such as bank accounts, debts, cars, and other items.

Finally, a non-marital cohabitation agreement can help to set expectations for the relationship and establish responsibilities for each party involved. This includes household chores, bills, and other financial obligations.

What Should Be Included in a Non-Marital Cohabitation Agreement?

When drafting a non-marital cohabitation agreement, there are several important items that should be included. These may include:

– Identification of both parties involved in the relationship

– A description of the nature of the relationship

– Division of property and assets in the event of a separation

– Determination of financial support obligations, if applicable

– Provisions for the distribution of personal property if the relationship ends

– Responsibility for debts accrued during the relationship

– Terms of the agreement, including the duration and conditions for termination

By including these items in the agreement, both parties can have peace of mind and a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities within the relationship.


A non-marital cohabitation agreement is an essential legal document for couples who are living together but are not married. It provides protection for both parties in the event of a separation and helps to establish the rights and responsibilities of the individuals involved in the relationship. It is important to seek legal advice and support when drafting a non-marital cohabitation agreement to ensure that all aspects of the agreement are legally enforceable and comprehensive.