Sample Service Level Agreement for Logistics

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between a logistics service provider and its client, which defines the level of service expected by the client and the consequences for not meeting those expectations. An effective SLA can help logistics companies establish trust with their clients by setting clear goals and expectations.

The following is a sample Service Level Agreement for Logistics that can be modified to meet the specific needs of different logistics companies and industries.

1. Introduction:

This section should introduce the SLA and explain its purpose. It should also identify the parties involved in the SLA and the logistics services being provided.

2. Service Description:

This section should outline the specific logistics services being provided by the logistics company, including transportation, warehousing, and inventory management.

3. Service Level Objectives:

This section should define the specific service level objectives for each logistics service being provided. For example, the objective for transportation may be timely delivery within a specified timeframe while the objective for inventory management may be maintaining a certain level of inventory accuracy.

4. Performance Measures:

This section should define the performance measures that will be used to track the logistics company`s performance in meeting the service level objectives. For example, transportation performance may be measured by on-time delivery percentages while inventory accuracy may be measured by the number of inventory discrepancies.

5. Reporting and Communication:

This section should define the reporting and communication requirements between the logistics company and the client. For example, regular performance reports may be required, and a specific point of contact may be designated for communication.

6. Consequences and Remedies:

This section should define the consequences if the logistics company does not meet the service level objectives and the remedies available to the client. For example, if transportation performance falls below the agreed-upon standard, the logistics company may be required to pay a penalty or provide the client with a discount.

7. Review and Modification:

This section should define the process for reviewing and modifying the SLA. For example, it may be reviewed quarterly, and modifications may be made based on changes in the logistics industry or changes in the client`s requirements.


A well-drafted Service Level Agreement for Logistics can help establish trust between logistics service providers and their clients by setting clear expectations and providing consequences for not meeting those expectations. This sample SLA can be modified to meet the specific needs of different logistics companies and industries and should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure its effectiveness.