Template for a Purchase Contract

When it comes to sealing the deal on a purchase, a contract is necessary to ensure that both parties are on the same page. A well-crafted purchase contract can protect both the buyer and seller and serve as a reference in case of any disputes. In this article, we will outline the basic template for a purchase contract.


Start the contract by stating the parties involved in the purchase. Include the full legal name and address of the seller and buyer.

Product/Service Description

Next, describe in detail what is being sold. Provide the make and model of the product, if applicable. If it is a service, specify the duration, terms, and scope of the service.


Mention the agreed-upon amount for the product or service. State whether there are any deposits, payment schedules, or financing arrangements.

Warranties and Guarantees

This section should explain any warranties or guarantees that come with the product or service. Specify the duration, what is covered, and the process for making a warranty claim.


State the expected delivery date and location of the product or service. Indicate who is responsible for delivery and any costs associated with it.


Provide payment details, such as the payment method, due dates, and late fees. Specify what happens if either party fails to pay on time.


Explain the conditions under which the contract can be terminated. This may include breach of contract or cancellation by one of the parties.

Intellectual Property

If the product or service involves any intellectual property, such as patents or trademarks, specify who retains ownership rights.


Include a confidentiality clause if either party needs to protect sensitive information shared during the purchase process.

Dispute Resolution

State how disputes will be resolved, whether by arbitration, mediation, or litigation.

Governing Law

Indicate which state or country`s laws will govern the contract.


The contract must be signed by both parties to be legally binding.


A purchase contract is a critical document that protects both buyers and sellers. It ensures that both parties are aware of their responsibilities and rights, and can serve as a reference point in case of any disputes. By using this purchase contract template, you can create a comprehensive agreement that will protect your interests.